Specializing in services for survivors of sexual assault or interpersonal violence in the Big Sandy Region

The Healing Program

MCCC's Healing Program provides confidential and free services for everyone who has survived sexual assault, child abuse, or interpersonal violence in Kentucky's Floyd, Johnson, Magoffin, Martin and Pike counties.

Our MISSION It is the mission of MCCC’s Healing Program to serve survivors of interpersonal violence and their families and to educate the community about the prevention of violence in an effort to improve our quality of life in the Big Sandy Region.

MCCC Programa de Sanación ofrece servicios confidenciales y gratuitos para todas las personas que han sobrevivido a la agresión sexual, el abuso infantil o la violencia interpersonales en los condados de Kentucky Floyd, Johnson, Magoffin, Martin y Pike.

Nuestra MISIÓN La misión del Programa de Sanación de MCCC es servir a los sobrevivientes de violencia interpersonal y sus familias y educar a la comunidad sobre la prevención de la violencia en un esfuerzo por mejorar nuestra calidad de vida en la Región de Big Sandy.


The Healing Program

104 South Front Avenue
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

Fax: (606) 886-4316


ABOUT Healing
Every 92 seconds, someone in the US is sexually assaulted, and eight in ten rapes are committed by someone known to the victim according to the Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics National Crime Victimization Survey.

Mountain Comprehensive Care Center serves many clients each year throughout Kentucky. Services provided by The Healing Program are available within the Big Sandy Region: Floyd, Johnson, Magoffin, Martin, and Pike counties. Call today if you or someone you know would benefit from our services.


  • Our services are confidential and free for everyone who has survived sexual assault, child abuse, or interpersonal violence.
  • Community and professional education/training, as well as prevention education, is available.
  • Specialized services include consultation; referral; counseling; therapy; and legal, medical, and personal advocacy.
  • The Healing Place – our sexual assault crisis center – and Safe Haven Supervised Visitation/Exchange provide safe facilities for survivors.

The HEALING PLACE is a crisis center for female and male survivors in need of crisis stabilization services following a sexual assault. Clients may temporarily reside at The Healing Place, and generally stay 15 days. We provide a safe and nurturing environment for victims of sexual assault who need shelter. A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) is available to provide a sexual assault exam using a Sexual Assault Forensics Examination Kit (SAFE). This free, private, and confidential service allows survivors to avoid time in a crowded waiting room at a hospital emergency department. Inpatient and outpatient services are available, including: crisis counseling; individual counseling; group counseling; peer support; community support; and referrals to other agency services as needed. Transportation assistance is also available.

Prestonsburg, KY

Phone: 606-886-1716
Fax: 606-874-1536

Safe HAVEN provides Supervised Exchange and Supervised Visitation services for families with a history of interpersonal violence, sexual assault, or stalking that have a current case in the court system as a result. A security officer is on site, and staggered arrival and departure times ensure no contact occurs between parents. Safety is our top priority.

338 Second Street
Paintsville, KY 41240

Phone: 606-264-4509
Fax: 606-264-4532

Advocacy & SUPPORT is a team of professionals that address four areas of violence in our community: Sexual Assault, Interpersonal Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking. Staff and volunteer advocates assist survivors of these crimes in the hospital and/or in the courts. Survivors will be guided with information and support through difficult times. A deputy sheriff is available to timely serve and enforce Emergency Protection Orders (EPOs). Additionally, training is offered to all community partners for the complex dynamics of these crimes and what it takes to successfully protect survivors and prosecute the offenders.

Advocacy & SUPPORT
Floyd County: 606-886-4397, 606-886-4411, 606-886-4323
Johnson County: 606-789-3411
Magoffin County: 606-349-2914, 606-349-7037
Martin County: 606-298-2103
Pike County: 606-432-9794

The HOPE INITIATIVE focuses on providing education, counseling/therapy, psychiatric/psychological, and advocacy services to child and adolescent victims of traumatic events, along with their parent or non-offending caregiver when necessary.

Traumatic events may include physical and/or sexual abuse, death or suicide of a loved one, witnessing violence, being victim of crime, natural disaster, military family pre-/post-deployment events, and more. These events may cause symptoms of trauma, including anger or irritability, mood swings, anxiety, fear, grief, sleep issues, guilt/shame or self-blame, shock, disbelief, hopelessness, isolation, withdrawal, etc.

Prestonsburg: 606-886-4350
Martin City: 606-285-3142
Paintsville: 606-789-3518
Inez: 606-298-7902
Salyersville: 606-349-3115
Belfry: 606-353-1287
Pikeville: 606-432-3143

Green DOT is a nationally recognized strategy focused on preventing power-based personal violence, sexual and partner violence, child and elder abuse, bullying and stalking. Green Dot educators visit high schools to work with students and staff, as well as community members and businesses, to implement bystander intervention in order to prevent violence.

Survivors with DISABILITIES The Healing Program strives to remove barriers to its services for persons with developmental/intellectual disabilities. We provide trainings for community partners, and our program seeks to improve safety and accessibility to our services.


For more information about The Healing Program, contact MCCC at any of the following locations.


Floyd County - Prestonsburg 606-886-4350
104 South Front Avenue

Floyd County - Martin City 606-285-3142
112065 Main Street

Johnson County - Paintsville 606-789-3518
1110 South Mayo Trail

Martin County - Inez 606-298-7902
154 Rockcastle Road Route 3

Magoffin County - Salyersville 606-349-3115
28 Lakeville Road

Pike County - Belfry 606-353-1287
26229 US Highway 119 North

Pike County - Pikeville 606-432-3143
118 River Drive

Let's get STARTED

Call today to schedule a consultation or to learn about volunteer opportunities.